Miami Crime Scene Cleanup provides a comprehensive range of bio-hazardous cleaning and bio-remediation services to private residents and commercial establishments in Miami-Dade and Monroe County. We can provide 24/7 emergency services for small and large-scale projects. Here is a comprehensive list of crime and trauma decontamination and restoration services that we offer our public and private clientele:
- Homicide + Murder Cleanup
- Suicide Cleanup
- Unattended Death Cleanup
- Workplace Accidents
- Auto Accidents
- Blood Spill Outs
- Blood Splatters
- Knife + Gunshot Traumas
- Bodily Fluids + Tissue
- Feces, Urine, Semen Cleanup
- Human Decomposition
- Medical Accidents
- Holding + Prison Cell Cleanup
- Finger Print Dust
- Tear Gas
- Bloody Foot Prints
- Hoarder + Hoarding
- Dead Animals
- Drug Labs (Meth + MDMA)
- Remove Rancid Odors + Filth
Crime & Trauma Scene Cleaning Services in Miami, Florida
Cleaning up after a suicide, homicide, or unattended death is a serious issue that should not be cleaned up by family members, friends, or co-workers. Body fluids can contain diseases and must be cleaned up thoroughly and disposed of correctly. Improper remediation could lead to bacteria, as well as many other potential threats. Our expert team will be at your location on time and ready to remediate right away.
Fast, Compassionate, and Affordable Services in Miami
If you, a friend, or a family member have to shoulder the responsibility of cleaning up after any one of these traumatic events please contact Miami Crime Scene Clean immediately; our operators are available 24/7 to answer your call and set an appointment with one of our local bio-hazard remediation specialists.
Call us and will provide you with expert advice and a free onsite inspection and price evaluation in Miami-Dade or Monroe County. Contact us at 786-216-1596 or EMAIL US and we will follow up with your inquiry ASAP.

Feel free to contact us anytime 24/7 for all emergency cleaning services in Miami, Florida.